Date: Fri Nov 17, 2000 2:12pm My Story: Hi everyone, I'm so sorry if this becomes long and drawn out. It's been so long since I really talked about this because I had gotten so fed up explaining myself to no avail except "Take the need them". Anyways, I'll begin with the fact that I was always a very nervouse, low self esteem kinda person. Yes, there was some emotional and physical abuse as a kid that I'm sure added to that but, hey, alot of us have baggage that we get through. Before paxil I was in a terrible marriage, 2 kids, working my a** off. After the divorce, I had the same stresses as everyone else in these situations...chids acting out, job problems bills...etc.... The difference was I had a tough time handeling my life. On the outside it appeared pretty normal, but on the inside I was a nerve-wracked wreck! Couldn't gain weight, my mind was always obsessing about one prob or another, my concentration sucked(even as a child). Anyways, one day, I was rear- ended by a truck. I felt fine(as fine as I always was anyways) I'm a smoker so I had the dry throat, lump I was extremely tired all the time...yep...stressed out! Anyways one day after the accident, I woke up feeling very spacey(another normal feeling to me) tired, slight stiff neck. That night while taking a relaxing bath, my neck felt like a tight, tight turtleneck or squeezing sensation. I right leg and arm went numb, cold flashes and numbness on one side of the the er. Whiplash was the diagnosis even though they couldn't give me clarity on the numbness stuff. I was put on muscle relaxers and anti-inflammitories, and pain killers (what pain?) The next few weeks I spiralled down to a series of symptoms that were so frightening yet not understood obviosly by my docs.Exrays of my neck showed nothing. My symptoms were, lump in throat, tightness of neck, pressure on upper back and back of neck like a ton of bricks just sitting there, burning sensations at base of neck, pins and needle feelings, numbness, hot/cold flashes on various parts of my body, dry mouth. Those were just the physical that with crying jags, feeling sick, panic attacks so severe they went on for hours not minutes. I was incapasitated for about two months. I couldn't work, couldn't function normally. I went back to my doctor crying, begging for answers. His answer? Depression with severe anxiety/panic.I wouldn't believe it, I felt like I was dying or going insane and wanted to be admitted to the hospitol or psych ward. I went to my therapist......sounds like depression, anxiety and panic to her. She therefore makes an appt with a psychiatrist who does a battery of tests and comes to the same conclusion! Oh yes, I forgot to mention the racing feelings through my veins and the feeling of really not being looking at the world in a dream. OK, now I have a bunch of so-called professionals telling me the same thing. Why didn't it happen before? Well, they say the car accident was the last straw on my emotionally stressed out plate,. Remember...I was not upset about the car accident...just the opposite in fact...seemed noone was hurt and I had great insurance coverage but according to these docs...subconsciosly, it affected me. Onward to paxil and klonopin. I will admit that it was a life saver. I felt better than I had ever had in my life. Like I was the person I always wanted to be. OOOps! I forgot a key part here in my story. Around the same time as my new friendship with paxil.....I started seeing a chiropracter who diagnosed whiplash and sever neck strain/sprain. She mentioned my symptoms as being all associated with the car crash....nerve damage, yada,yada,yada. So what I did was a combination of the drugs and weekly visits to the c.p plus massage and ultrasound therapy. Guess what? I got better! I quit smoking, started gaining weight for the first time in a long time and loving it! I really felt paxil was my savior! Never wanted to get off of it. Untillllllll.......the weight would not stop, I just kept growing and growing. I went from 105lbs to 165lbs. When I talked to my psych, she denied it was the paxil....My anxiety caused my metabolism to work too fast...the meds made it work the way it was supposed to. Did I mention the horrible heartburn? Hmmm, funny I go to see a gastrenteroligist who says, I need to loose weight! Whaaaaaaaat! Of course I start smoking again, and working out like crazy and sometimes not even eat...any change?????? NO! 3 times I've tried to get off this stuff, yes, the weight was my first concern, but since than I've come to realize that mabey I could have combatted these problems on my own without the drugs.When I experienced withdrawel, I was told that that meant I need to still be on this stuff.....for 4 years?? I thought this was supposed to be a 6 month to a year thing? On again I go. Next time withdrawel so bad I wanted to go into a pysh ward. No suicidal thoughts just the same symptoms as I've mentioned before...couldn't funtion. Last try, I was weaned with withdrawels but hey, anybody that pissed me off heard about it. It made me angry and snappy and oh yes, I startled easily. Since my wedding was coming up I decided to go back to my buddy paxil until after the wedding...I'd dump it. Well, here I am..starting the dumping process and feeling like...can I do it? Can I actually live a good life without this drug? Can I and my family deal with the withdrawel? But most importantly....what if it kills me? I'm so sorry this has been so long winded. As I've said, I stopped talking about it because nobody listened, nobody cared. On that note.......Sherri Date: Fri Nov 17, 2000 11:46am Response: Sherri: You suffered, in all probability, a CLOSED HEAD INJURY in the accident. Your doctors were complete morons for missing that diagnosis. A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury produces all the symptoms you listed. You should NEVER have been put on this medication in the first place. IT WAS THE WORST THING THEY COULD HAVE DONE! YOUR DOCTORS ARE IDIOTS! You know how I know this? Because I had all those problems, too, but they were related to the accident, my injuries, etc. My accident was a rollover, car left the road, dropped ten feet onto the roof and rolled. It took five years to get the closed head injury part diagnosed, but by that time my brains had already been scrambled by Paxil. I complained of many of the symptoms you mentioned. But all the doctors said, "Well, you weren't knocked unconscious, so it can't be a head injury!" Now I find out years later that you do not have to be unconscious to sustain a head injury. It can happen in a rear-ender at 5 mph. Please read this book: "Mild Traumatic Brain Injury." The library has it, sorry can't remember the author's name, but you will read it and go "THAT'S ME!!!!" And then you will want to throttle your doctors for being so stupid. Trisha Date: Thu Nov 16, 2000 8:48pm Hi Charlie, and thankyou so much for the warm welcome! Actually, I'm just now in the process of getting the heck off of paxil for the fourth time! I won't lie....I'm terrified!~ It's helped me tremendously through these last four years or so but at the same time, I don't want to be a prisoner to this drug. I was put on it for anxiety/panic attacks...pretty severe and debilitating but I want to try and tackle this in a more healthy fashion. Right now, I'm at 20 mgs from 40. This week I do 20 mgs one day, 15 mgs the next for a few weeks and slowly decrease in this way. I am sooo scared...other times trying to come off, the physical and emotional withdrawals made me feel as if I were dying or going insane. I will appreciate any support/info I casn get to make this as easy a period as possible. Thanx for your interest. Sherri Date: Fri Nov 17, 2000 1:02pm Hi, I havn't read the book, but boy oh boy do I plan on going out and purchasing it! 10 years, huh? Wow, I'm impressed! Finally, I hear of someone, a doctor no less, who believes and listens. I'm sooo glad I found this support group, I already feel like I can talk to some people who really understand. I'm so sick of the strange looks on the doctors faces when I try coming off and experience weird feelings/sensations. My God, I was put on this crap because of the weird feelings and sensations I was dealing with! Thanx for the info....I'm right on it, Sherri